简介:Young-nam loses his vision while he was filling in on reserve duties for his his best friend, Jin-ho. Yeong-nam begs Jin-ho not to tell anyone what ha
简介:Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzh
简介:索尼动画一直希望为《冲浪企鹅》拍摄续集,最近他们终于宣布《冲浪企鹅2》(Surf’s Up 2 WaveMania)将在明年春季推出,续集将邀请多位美国WWE职业摔跤的明星选手加盟配音。 不过这部续集可能不会在电影院上映,因为负责该片发行的是索尼家庭娱乐公司。换言之,这很可能是一部直接推出影碟的续